Saturday, November 6, 2010

Bidding: A Probable Gamble

Auctions and their repercussions in life

Every person wants to own good things in life. All the worth having items are naturally costly and are beyond the reach of common persons. Here comes the role of auctions in day to day life. Go to any bidding site you will find that people are winning household articles on through away prices. But the question is, are the prices really are little or there are hidden costs involved.

Reasons why the prices are not less in auctions is that, it is very rare that a person wins an auction. After persistent efforts if a person wins then up to that time he/she has already spent a lot in buying bids for taking part in the auctions. So if you win an auction then along the price you have paid for the thing include all the money you have spent on other bids, I am sure the total amount will surprise you and will make you think that taking part in auctions is not only a drain of money but also a substantial amount of time goes into it.

Most hazardous effect of taking part in auctions is that it is truly addictive. Once you become habitual of taking part then, you cannot stop taking part in it until and unless you are a strong willed person. I am writing this article after taking at least 10 auctions and winning none. If only I would have read this kind of article before I would have not lost my money on auctions.

Thus I sincerely request all my dear fellows to read this and take care of your hard generated money.

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